Maximize Your Google Ad Grant

Imagine what you could do with $10,000 for your church or nonprofit. That’s exactly what the Google Ad Grant provides, up to $10,000 in FREE Google Search ad spend each month! Are you overwhelmed by managing this by yourself? Partner with us to reach the right people with your content.

Our mission is to help you create more impact with your Google Ads Grant. We have the following package for your church or nonprofit:

An in-depth package where we not only help set up your Google Grant account, but also manage, optimize, and grow the impact of the grant for the long run. We know that every great campaign is data driven, so you’ll also receive a monthly report showcasing the Grant’s growth and future opportunities.

If you’re interested or would like to ask any other questions, please fill out the form below and we’ll follow up to get in contact with you as soon as possible!

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