Your Brand Should Share Vision Over Function

The power of brand strategy captures what enduring brands have long recognized: success isn’t built on the functional components of a brand, but the power of your brand story.

An effective brand story creates an empowering vision in the hearts and minds of your target audience that has them lean in with a storyline – a storyline that not only explains your place in the world, but engages with, connects to, and motivates your reader. And that’s because you own an outcome – a resolution – to a problem your reader is searching for.

An effective brand story creates a narrative that your target audience relates to because it’ll be built on shared values. And through careful crafting and consistent marketing, you’ll begin to own the vision. At the very mention of your brand’s name, it’ll trigger recall of your brand’s promise. And as it does, your readers won’t only become advocates, but disciples who tell others about you.

An effective brand story compels your target audience into action, where in the land of fundraising, it will turn “you” into a united “us”: the true heroes of the story.

That’s the reason your brand story should be vision over function: thinking first and acting second. Because it’s vision that informs tactics. And to us it doesn’t get more effective than that.

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